Sunday 22 March 2015

Why do we procrastinate?

So procrastination, what does it mean? It means to waste time and as shameful as it is to say, we all do it. But why? We all know that tasks need doing, and if we don't do it there are always consequences. But yet for some reason we will always put it of.
We live in a society where the world is at our fingertips, why would we choose to do homework or just even work over checking up on Facebook?
I'm going to be honest here, Facebook or any kind of social media does not need a babysitter. The thing will be alright even if you don't go on it for a few hours. It's not going to run away, and you are never going to see it again. The same goes for mobile phones, games consoles and laptops. Just a few hours away from it to do your work, it will still be there when you get back, right? Yes.
Still, we need other answers, that can't be it. Procrastination comes up in other parts of our lives too?
Here is a theory. Are we really just afraid to face the assignment or task? Or even just afraid to fail? Think about it, ask yourself these questions. I did and it turns out sometimes this can be the case, maybe we are just an afraid society and that we won't try something for fear of failure. This kind of procrastination doesn't often tie in with work, it's more to do with all the choices we have made in our lives.
I just think back to a time where you might have procrastinated, what was on offer for you, what opportunities did you miss? Got one? Good. Well you know the reason, the reason is fear. And we need to stomp out fear from our lives once and for all, and then maybe we might actually be able to move on with our lives. Procrastination free.
Unavoidable Answered!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm procrastinating now! (I should be doing the maths paper)
    Here's a question, why do we see faces in things?
