Thursday 26 March 2015

Why do we see faces in things?

An odd question? Yes. But does everyone do it? Yes. And should we answer why we do it? Yes!!

Seeing faces in things, also known as pereidolia, has had many studies conducted upon it. It's a strange phenomenon, so why should we not look into it? Anyway the most famous and logical theory is that we as human beings are "hard-wired" from birth to be able to identify faces.

As we all have poor vision when we are babies, this allows us to be able to recognize a face from a distance. This evolutionary feature is used to differentiate between the friendly and not so friendly. Mistaking foe for friend could have deadly consequences, so it is vital that we have it.

But now you ask why do I still have it? Well as you basically have it all the way from birth your brain can end up accidentally mistaking certain patterns of light as faces. So for example, in the clouds you can often see faces, or even in toast because of the light patterns you are seeing. Pretty clever eh.

Unavoidable Answered.

Sunday 22 March 2015

Why do we procrastinate?

So procrastination, what does it mean? It means to waste time and as shameful as it is to say, we all do it. But why? We all know that tasks need doing, and if we don't do it there are always consequences. But yet for some reason we will always put it of.
We live in a society where the world is at our fingertips, why would we choose to do homework or just even work over checking up on Facebook?
I'm going to be honest here, Facebook or any kind of social media does not need a babysitter. The thing will be alright even if you don't go on it for a few hours. It's not going to run away, and you are never going to see it again. The same goes for mobile phones, games consoles and laptops. Just a few hours away from it to do your work, it will still be there when you get back, right? Yes.
Still, we need other answers, that can't be it. Procrastination comes up in other parts of our lives too?
Here is a theory. Are we really just afraid to face the assignment or task? Or even just afraid to fail? Think about it, ask yourself these questions. I did and it turns out sometimes this can be the case, maybe we are just an afraid society and that we won't try something for fear of failure. This kind of procrastination doesn't often tie in with work, it's more to do with all the choices we have made in our lives.
I just think back to a time where you might have procrastinated, what was on offer for you, what opportunities did you miss? Got one? Good. Well you know the reason, the reason is fear. And we need to stomp out fear from our lives once and for all, and then maybe we might actually be able to move on with our lives. Procrastination free.
Unavoidable Answered!

If you enjoy reading these posts or feel there is a way they could be improved, feel free to comment below or even give this blog a follow. All support I am grateful for. Thanks.

Friday 20 March 2015

Eclipse. What eclipse?

Today marked the beginning of spring, the beginning of the spring equinox. And what better way to do it than with a total eclipse. At least that was what we were told.
I had never really done any research into eclipses before, until a few days before the event when my friend came running to me telling me how spectacular they are. So I did my research, and she was right they are spectacular. I had never seen one in person, so I really looked forward to the event and looking directly at the sun. That was until my mum told me the night before, don't look directly at the sun it will blind you. I was a right idiot for not realising it sooner tbh.
Anyway morning of the eclipse, and I am so excited and ready to see this spectacular event that everyone was talking about. I needed a way of looking at it the eclipse without blinding myself, so I looked into it online and I found out that you could use a colander and shine the light onto paper.
Ok so I am thinking yes this is going to be great and amazing, can't wait. Then rang the bell all ready with my colander to go outside and watch the eclipse. We waited and we waited for the moon to finally fully cover the sun, surely it should be happening by now? We continued to wait, it got colder and still the sun was there. Eventually the bell rang again and we had to go back inside, but where was the diamond ring and complete darkness?
Well turns out it depends where you are in northern Europe as to how dark it gets. I thought this was such a shame while those in Scotland chilling with there diamond rings and we were just here freezing our fingers off.
Don't get me wrong, the event is still amazing and spectacular. But it leaves me with one burning question, one of those unavoidable ones. What eclipse?

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Why are we so clumsy?

We all have our clumsy moments. Some more than others. But it got me thinking earlier, when I accidentally stabbed myself with a compass, Why are we so clumsy?

Now I have some theories for this, looking for professional input was pointless because it just was not there. Like I said on my previous post, these are the questions that really just seem dumb at the time.
Anyway first theory is that it is apart of growing up. I mean we were not all born standing up or walking, I can guarantee that. So maybe learning what is painful and what is not painful by being clumsy actually benefits us.
Well that would be the case, only if I didn't continue stubbing my toe all the time. Which makes me think, what if we were just made to be clumsy. And there is no way around it, we are just surpossed to be clumsy all our lives. But what about evolution you might ask? I am going to say it right now, I am no genius. But from what I learn in science surely human beings have developed so that we are more aware of our surroundings. Well the answer is quite clearly, no.
Which brings me to my conclusion, we as humans are in fact de-evolving. Long ago we would have needed to be aware of our surroundings, because you could have been attacked at any moment. But our society has developed in such a way that we feel safe and don't think as much about what is around us. So overall stubbing your toes, or getting stabbed with a compass is hardly going to trigger evolution to kick in. And we are just going to get clumsier as the years go on.
Unavoidable Answered.

I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this question. Also any unavoidable's you want answering, be sure to leave them below.

The begining of the unavoidables

So new blog, new concept. But you find yourself asking that unavoidable question, what to write? Well lets start with words. This is a blog where we can ask those questions; those questions that may even seem dumb at time; those questions that you would love the answer to but have never found the time; and even the ones that you don't even really need the answers to. These questions will be answered, one way or another and with everyone's support this could be a great blog. So there you have it your very first answer, very first blog and the start of something new.
Unavoidable Answered.